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StudentsImpact: View Response #17

1.What did you learn about new teaching and learning practices (such as blended learning (face to face and E-learning), more than one instructor, European Instructors, remote lab (if working),…)?

it was amazing to learn from different instructors and benefit from their knowledge. the remote lab is a great way of learning and very helpful.

2.What new links have you built with other students and universities in Europe (during visits to Europe or having European Instructors)?

the partners and the insturctors were very helpful.

3.Do you think that MUREE (course and/or visits to EU) has provided you with extra career potential? If yes, how?

yes of course, all the things we learned will be helpful in my future career with all the new technologies i saw their and what we can develop later.

4.What new skills and competencies did you obtain through the use of the labs? (if applicable).

how to use the remote labs and the different types of pv cells and how we can solve any problem that can face us.

5.Please feel free to tell us about your experiences, and please give specific examples if possible.

it was a great exprience having a great partners that cooperate with each other and the knowledge we took will be very helpful for me in my future career. remote labs is a great idea to help the students to learn at any place you want. the tour we took around the university about the pc cells tought us alot and the instructors were very helpful and i learned alot from them.

Created at 9/19/2015 12:58 AM by  
Last modified at 9/19/2015 12:58 AM by